Monday, February 27, 2012

Andrew's 6th Bday! - Feb 18-20th

We took Andrew and two of his friends, Andrew and Sean, and their families bowling on Feb 18th for his birthday party. We had all three boys on a lane, all the girls (Kaitlyn, Ella and Isabella) on another lane, and then us grown ups on another. It was so much fun. Sandy, Sean's mom really surprised everyone with her bowling skills hitting, I believe, 4 strikes during the game! We had pizza and drinks which we ordered at the bowling alley and I brought in a veggie tray and cupcakes. Andrew got a baseball practice carrying bag and batting gloves from Sean, and a flag football set (with flags and cones) and a football and Slim Jims from Andrew. He sure was in heaven with all the sports gear!

Andrew insisted on pealing off each piece of tape from the wrapping, needless to say I can reuse all the wrapping paper it looks so nice still. We gave Andrew a new basketball, since his first one he just got at Christmas, went flat w/ a hole, a nerf football, and a soccer goal net. He got a T ball bat with some birthday money he received from his grandparents. So he has lots of new things to bring to the park everyday while waiting for his sisters to get out of school.


sadieeat said...

A Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Andrew. It looks like you are set in sports equipment for a while! love, silly grandma