Sunday, January 2, 2011

Aquarium of the Pacific

We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach with another dental students family, the Burton's. It was a ton of fun. Turns out that our admission is the same price as a year membership, so we can go back as often as we want! It was really cool to see and pet sharks, sting rays and star fish. They also have seals and sea otters along with a whole lot of fish.


So, right after school was out for the holiday break, we made the trip to Utah. We thought we lost our camera the whole time we were there! Bummer, because I didn't get any pictures while we were visiting. James' parents drove out and Clinton and Leesa flew out from Florida. It was fun to be with family. I took the girls to our old ward in Orem to see a bunch of friends as well. Well, the morning we were packing up to leave we found our camera hanging on a hanger that had been put up in a closet. So the only pictures I have are of when we are in Fresno. We made the 12 hour drive in one day! Whew, hadn't done that since we were first married. The kids did surprisingly better than we anticipated. We did all the traditional fun things: decorate sugar cookies, made little mangers out of popsicle sticks, ate lots of food and retold the Christmas story. We sure had a relaxing and fun holiday.