Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PTA Bin-Purge

Our PTA president sent out a cry for help to come organize the PTA storage bin that was a huge disaster. I, of course, was super excited! There were about 10 ladies that showed up for the challenge and we finished in a few hours. Many hands, make light work! Here are the "before" and "after" pictures she took. The "after" picture is a little hazy, but you can still see the difference, and the back of the bin. This was a happy day!

My Favorite Sheets

Well, I have had to say goodbye to my favorite sheets. There was a little hole where the material had thinned out and one night every time I turned over, my foot got caught and ended up ripping a huge hole in the fitted sheet! I will sure miss the softness of these sheets. Too bad Costco doesn't make them like they used to! :( James had me smile for the pictures, even though I was sad.

Alf Museum Field Trip

On March 8th Ella went on a field trip to the Alf Museum that is located in Claremont. It's a dinosaur, paleontology type museum. The museum stipulated only a few parents could come, since they have limited space. Well, this is hard for Oak Mesa Elementary school parents. We always have lots of parents ready and eager to help. So I didn't go on this trip, but received these pictures from a parent that went.