Saturday, May 21, 2016

Gold Rush Days and Father/Son Camp Out - May 20

Bus Ride!

Birthday Party for Michelle!

Father/Son Camp Out - Goodnight!

Pinewood Derby - May 19

Just under 30 cars in the derby!
Andrew and Landon
Andrew winning 1st place!  He never lost a race!

Rainbow Dance Competition - May 15

Most of the Dance Competition Team

BYU Soccer Game - May 14

BYU V. FCC Golden State Force at Citrus College-
Some of the BYU players met up with the kiddos!

Misc - May 10 and 11

Some Swinging Fun before Soccer Practice Starts

Andrew Alva (orange) is trying to keep Andrew Bell (blue) from stealing another base!

Our kitty made a friend! Her friend was stopping by to see if she could play.
Homework after a baseball game.
Found this shirt at Target :)

JUMP - May 6 and 7

Wildabeast Hip Hop class
Early morning stretching
This boy reminds me of Andrew.
Ballet Class
Kaitlyn, Megan and Amber

His shirt says "I dance with your girlfriend"

Quick lunch in Angelina's hotel room together.
Downtown Disney-Kaitlyn found a ShadowHunter Poster.
Minnie Mouse Ears
Eating Dinner in Downtown Disney
Super Crowded!
Megan and Kaitlyn

Track, Soccer and Baseball - May 7

Andrew and Sean - Long Jumpers
Cafe Rio
Followed by Krispy Kreme
Andrew had a district track meet where he competed in the long jump. Then a soccer game-their team was down 2-5 and they came back and won 7-6! Andrew scored 2 of the goals! Then he earned the game ball in his baseball game that night!

Universal Studios - May 6

Harry Potter World
Skipped a day of school and met up with the Boehme's at Universal Studios!

Kaitlyn's the size of a Minion!

Open House for Oak Mesa - May 5

Andrew and Mrs. Moore
Sitting at his desk.