Monday, February 27, 2012

Last Basketball Game and Party - Feb 25th

This was during half time, that's why it looks like he's the only one on the court.

The other "3 Amigos"

Andrew, Sean and Andrew all played on the same basketball team, they will also be playing on the same T ball team that has just started. This was the best day ever for Andrew, he scored 4 baskets in their final game. Which is a big deal, because he didn't score any other game they played. He seems to have finally figured out how to really play the game. He was on fire! He was so happy! I am glad I got 3 of the 4 on video! After the game they had a pizza party at Roundtable by our house. There they got their trophies and played arcade games. Wish basketball was a little longer of a season....


dena said...

Wow! Andrew! 4 baskets in the final game. Way to go, young man! Keep it up! grandma

sadieeat said...

Wow! Andrew! 4 baskets in the final game. Way to go young man. Keep it up! love, silly grandma