Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Andrew's Soccer Highlights Sept 14 - Oct 12

Everyone on his team except the other little guy, who is the only one smaller than Andrew.  And yes the big guy next to Andrew is only 1 month older than Andrew!

Way to steal the ball!

Andrew playing goalie

He loves getting to the ball first.

Great action shot!

James is on the right (reffing the game)

High fives at the end of a game

Goal for Andrew!
I have to thank the parents on our team with amazing cameras that get some of these close-up shots.  It's so nice that they share their photos on Shutterfly and I can download them for free.  Plus they really try to get pictures of the whole team and not just their child.  Another bonus, is that I get to enjoy cheering for the team and watching the game!  :)

Ella's Soccer Highlights - Sept 7 - Oct 12

Ella's team with funny faces!

Their numbers (Ella is #5)

Ella's individual soccer picture

Lunch at Round table pizza where there are some arcade games (how convenient)

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Ella will usually play goalie for 1 quarter of the game

At the end of her shift as goalie, happy to have no one score on her

Starting a game with a coin toss with the refs
Ella fighting for possession of the ball

Keeping the ball in play near the side lines

Battling it out with the opposing team

Saturday, October 12, 2013

5th Grade Science Camp - Oct 8-11

It snowed!

It snowed for a whole day!

Climbing the wall

She looks happy
Ella had a great time at Science camp!  There was a snow storm the second day, and then it was just super cold, but it did look like they had some sun.  I am glad she was able to borrow some warmer winter clothes because she really needed it!  I think the kids enjoyed the snow a lot, even though it had us parents a little worried.  It's more of a novelty here than when we lived in Utah.  She had a fun time bunking with her friends and having many fun experiences.  She was tired, hungry and a bit dirty when she stepped off the bus. But nothing that a big lunch, a shower and a whole 12 hours of sleep can't fix!
Welcome Home!  We sure missed Ella!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Science Camp Send Off - October 8th

Ella, Jaylyn, Ava and Melody

Ella and Ava

All the girls are in the same cabin too!

It's going to be a tight squeeze! Three to a seat is harder to fit than you think with 5th graders!
Ella left this morning for Science Camp.  They are in for some higher altitude and colder weather.  Down here it's supposed to cool off 30 degrees, so I can only imagine how much colder it will be up in the mountains for her!  She is in a cabin with many of her friends, she seems so excited.  Maybe because she knows no one can make her take a shower for the next three days!  I hope she stays safe, warm, and has lots of fun!

Middle School Choir Fall Concert - October 7th

Kaitlyn auditioned in the spring and was selected to be in the "Encore" choir.  They had their first concert performance and it was amazing!  Her friend (the smallest one shown in the photo-Thanh) played the piano for one of their songs, and she did great!  It was a nice evening to see them perform.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday of Soccer and Karate - Oct 5th

Messing around before Ella's game

The end of Andrew's game

Crazy to think that Ella just grew out of that Gi less than two years ago
Andrew's jump kick

He's so high in the air!

Ella's jump kick - amazing!
Cutie pies!
Ella and Andrew both had games this morning.  Juan Carlos and Tara Avena were actually in the area for a wedding, so they met us for Andrew's game and afterwards we went out to lunch for a quick visit.  We kicked ourselves for not getting a picture of all of us at lunch.  After lunch they had to get back to their family festivities. We went to the San Dimas Western Day Celebration where Ella's Dojo was doing a demonstration there and she asked for permission for Andrew to participate too.  He has learned a lot of karate just by Ella teaching it to him.  She dug out her old Gi and let Andrew borrow it for today.  I can't believe Ella was that little when she first started!  They both did amazing and really impressed the crowd with their skills.  Go karate kids!