Monday, February 27, 2012

Last Basketball Game and Party - Feb 25th

This was during half time, that's why it looks like he's the only one on the court.

The other "3 Amigos"

Andrew, Sean and Andrew all played on the same basketball team, they will also be playing on the same T ball team that has just started. This was the best day ever for Andrew, he scored 4 baskets in their final game. Which is a big deal, because he didn't score any other game they played. He seems to have finally figured out how to really play the game. He was on fire! He was so happy! I am glad I got 3 of the 4 on video! After the game they had a pizza party at Roundtable by our house. There they got their trophies and played arcade games. Wish basketball was a little longer of a season....

Walk-thru-Revolution and Look-A-Like Day - Feb 24th

Kaitlyn and Isabella

Ella and her friend Ava, both wearing Student Council shirts.

The "3 Amigos"

Kaitlyn's school class participate in a fun hands on assembly called "Walk-thru-Revolution." The kids are each assigned ahead of time a character that they come dressed up as. Then they are supposed to memorize and act out a little part pertaining to their character. There are other "scenes" that they act out in groups as well. It is so entertaining. Last year, Kaitlyn did "Walk-thru-California," and that one is based on the history and geography of California. The kids learn so much and they don't even really know it, because it's so fun. These fun assemblies are funded through the money raised through the PTA alone, so not every school has the funds to do these. They are so worth it! Kaitlyn's team won last year AND this year! Oh, yeah they compete in three teams and earn points for various things they do individually and collectively through out the program.

Ella's Pancake Breakfast- Feb 23rd

In Ella's class they were reading a book about a kid that invites the President of the United States for breakfast. A bunch of mom's organized a pancake and fruit breakfast for the kids on Thursday the 23rd. I brought in fresh pineapple and strawberries and my griddle and made a ton of pancakes. I heard that kids were having a contest to eat the most, and some were eating 8-12 pancakes each! I think they all came to school hungry since they knew they would be eating pancakes in class. I have never seen so many kids eat so much food! Nothing was wasted, which was good. And they probably had a nice full tummy to last them til lunch!

Andrew's 6th Bday! - Feb 18-20th

We took Andrew and two of his friends, Andrew and Sean, and their families bowling on Feb 18th for his birthday party. We had all three boys on a lane, all the girls (Kaitlyn, Ella and Isabella) on another lane, and then us grown ups on another. It was so much fun. Sandy, Sean's mom really surprised everyone with her bowling skills hitting, I believe, 4 strikes during the game! We had pizza and drinks which we ordered at the bowling alley and I brought in a veggie tray and cupcakes. Andrew got a baseball practice carrying bag and batting gloves from Sean, and a flag football set (with flags and cones) and a football and Slim Jims from Andrew. He sure was in heaven with all the sports gear!

Andrew insisted on pealing off each piece of tape from the wrapping, needless to say I can reuse all the wrapping paper it looks so nice still. We gave Andrew a new basketball, since his first one he just got at Christmas, went flat w/ a hole, a nerf football, and a soccer goal net. He got a T ball bat with some birthday money he received from his grandparents. So he has lots of new things to bring to the park everyday while waiting for his sisters to get out of school.

Valentine's Parties- Feb 14th

Andrew and his friend Jacob.
Andrew and his friend Sean.

Kaitlyn and her friends, Michelle, Thanh and Emma.

The kids all had class Valentine's parties on Feb. 14th. I lucked out that the times were all staggered, so I was able to go in and take pictures. Andrew's was from 12-1, Ella's 1-2 and Kaitlyn's 2-3. After school, Kaitlyn had her Math team practice from 3-4, Andrew had basketball practice from 4-5, Kaitlyn had dance from 5:30-7:30 and Ella had Karate from 6:30 -7:30. Whew, what a day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Miscellanous Feb 6th-11th

Andrew and his friend Sean went to another boy, Frankie's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.  James took him and they sure had fun playing games!

Here is a picture of my girls along with other kids in our ward that went to Isabella's basketball game. She was playing a team that had another friend on it, and her name is Ella. Yes, it gets a little confusing in Senior primary with so many similar names.
On Feb 6th, I put together a little bag with a CTR shirt in it for each child in primary.  I put them together for the whole year and stored them in the church closet so that they are all ready to give out on their birthday. James is taking this picture while watching me.  :)

Rock Band - Feb 4th

We went over to our friend's house, the Burton's. And after eating dinner, we played some rock band. The kids took turns and so did the adults. Yep, even me.

Hockey Game-Boys Night Out - Jan 31st

James and Andrew went to a hockey game with Ernest and his son, also named Andrew. They were so pumped to have a guys night out (even on a school night)! They had an awesome time! I got the video to upload from my camera, but the sound doesn't seem to work for me. Uploading video is all new to me, so I may have to work out some kinks.

Andrew and an Angry Bird Birthday Party - Jan 28

Andrew got invited to his friend, Derek's "Angry Birds" party. It was fun, and a perfect day to be outside at the park. The cupcakes were amazing! They had a set up to play the angry birds game, using stuffed pigs and angry birds and brown paper wrapped up shoe boxes. It was a great hit with all the kids!

Activity Days Talent Share - Jan 25

The girls were super excited that they had a talent share night for activity days. Ella did a nun chuck demonstration and Kaitlyn did a lyrical dance that she choreographed herself. They had a lot of fun and afterward we went out for ice-cream at Handel's where they have dollar scoop Wednesdays (and we have a gift card to, that our home teacher gave us for Christmas).

Basket Ball Practice - Jan 24th

Andrew started basketball in January. It's still nice enough weather to practice outside in the late afternoon. They actually practice at their elementary school, so it's convenient that Kaitlyn has her math team practice til 4 and that's when basketball starts so she just walks over to the playground when she's finished. Andrew is really getting the hang of basketball. The guy in the second picture is their coach.