Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kaitlyn's Birthday - April 3

Hand Sanitizer and fire = inexpensive "candles" to burn out.

Apple Pie and Ice-cream for dessert!
Kaitlyn suggested we go ice-skating as a family.  It just so happened that James had the afternoon off from school, so we headed to a local ice rink.  Kaitlyn and Ella both had lessons when they were 6 and 4.  They don't really remember much, and it took us all some getting used to.  Andrew was by far the most fearless. He also got around the fastest by not caring if he fell.  He has a bruise the size of an apple on one of his thighs to show for it.  It was a lot harder than I remember from the last time I went skating in junior high.  But it was a lot of fun to try something together as a family.  By the time we were to leave, we all had improved. We came home and had tacos and our home teacher came over for pie and ice-cream.  Earlier in the day I had taken Kaitlyn shopping.  She has been desperately needing clothes and has been trying to find stuff that fits her.  She's in between girls and women's and it's tricky.  We found some cute dresses and will go shopping to a few more stores tomorrow too!