Saturday, March 2, 2013

Rancho Days - Feb 28th

The kids helped prepare the carne asada tacos they ate for lunch as one of the stations they rotated through

Dancing after lunch

Dancing at the fiesta after lunch

Ella and Ava

The pot of melted wax they were dipping to make candles

Making her candle

Mixing up the straw and dirt and water

Getting ready to jump in the mud pit to made adobe bricks

This is trickier than it seems

A bunch of candles the kids made

Learning to laso a "horse"
Fourth grade has three awesome hands on history type field trips they do-Indian Camp, Rancho Days and Gold Rush Days.  They have a neat historic ranch they go to for Rancho Days and they have little stations that the groups go through.  One is making candles and mixing mud and straw to make bricks (this was the station I worked at), making wool bracelets and tissue paper flowers, helping prepare the lunch food and making tortillas, lassoing and horse shoes, learning a dance that they perform after lunch,and a tour of the ranch itself and learning of it's place in history.  The establishment used to contain all the land of what today is San Dimas, Claremont, La Verne and Pomona cities.  I got to participate in the dance with Ella at the very end.  It was a pretty awesome day and such beautiful weather too!