Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas 2012

Santa Came!

Christmas Morning!

Santa comes down every street in La Verne and passes out bags of fruits and nuts.  His transportation is the La Verne Fire truck!

Beautiful books from Grandma and Grandpa.

Aunt Bonnie and Gigi opening their gifts - Gigi being silly with a big bow on her head.
My parents came down and brought Grandma with them from Fresno.  They stayed the night at Aunt Bonnie's house.  They came over for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to join in the festivities.  Christmas Eve we invited Cari and Brett's family to come over too and we all ate our traditional Pizza Hut dinner.  Christmas morning as we were eating breakfast, we heard a a siren and lots of noise outside.  A fire truck was driving down our street with Santa riding on top yelling Merry Christmas thru a mega phone!  The fire fighters were walking around passing out bags of fruits and nuts.  I had heard that this was a long standing tradition in La Verne, but this was our first experience staying home for the holiday and actually witnessing it ourselves.  It was really neat.  I sure love the small town feel of our little city.