Saturday, November 13, 2010

Move to La Verne August 2010

We moved to La Verne, California August 2010. It was a challenge moving yet again and trying to get settled into a new place, with James starting orientation days later. My grandma and parents came down for his White Coat Ceremony. That was really nice to have their support and show them Western University.

I must have spent the better part of the first month cleaning our little place. It was tough work. I took the kids and met up with a few other moms and their kids for a day of sand and sun. The beach is about 45 minutes away! We also went to Redlands for Jaden's birthday. The kids got to swim there too! Beautiful weather!

I got the kids all registered in school (they missed the last two months of school when we moved). The girls were able to start school in the middle of August in 4th and 2nd grades. Kaitlyn has been to different schools for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades! Andrew started in a preschool 3 days a week in the afternoons. He has two boys from his primary class in preschool too! The kids have all made friends quickly and it has made the adjustment to our third move in less than a year much easier! Hopefully we can stay here for the next four years and the kids can have some stability.